Awareness FR
July 20, 2023 2023-07-28 13:09Awareness FR
- Sessions’ Recordings: All sessions will be recorded and will be available for further reference.
- Attendance Policy: Attendance is mandatory and for any reason, a session is missed further coordination with the coach trainer is mandatory 24 hours after the initial session.
- Data Policy: All recordings and other training data or material provided for learning or generated during the program through the discussions, assignments, or coaching practice need to be strictly kept confidential within the group.
- Non-discrimination Policy: The training program does not discriminate on the basis of race, gender, religion, or sexual orientation, and notice of any discrimination by anyone will lead to immediate termination of the student from the program.
- Special Needs Support: We do not offer courses for hearing impaired students. In case you need special assistance, please let us know in advance.
Target audiences
- Coaches and Coaches in training who are serious about becoming certified and credentialed international coaches.
- New and experienced coaches, managers, and mentors
- Leaders who want to use coaching strategies to support and develop the adults on their teams
- Educators of all positions who work in public, charter, and private school
- This course is designed for mid- and entry-level professionals, managers, and all those interested who coach in the workplace.
Objectif du module :
Démontrer une présence efficace en coaching.
Ce module vous permettra de démontrer une présence de coaching efficace. À la fin de ce module, vous serez en mesure de soutenir le client en évoquant la sensibilisation.
Résultats d’apprentissage :
- Décrire l’implication de la conscience de soi dans le processus de coaching.
- Discuter des processus d’inconscience et de conscience dans un contexte de coaching.
- Faire preuve de curiosité pendant le processus de coaching.
- Assurer la présence du coaching dans la session.
- Soutenir le client en suscitant une prise de conscience.
- Générer des questions puissantes pendant la séance de coaching.
Compétences de base :
- CC5 – Maintien de la présence
- CC7 – Sensibilisation